The following is meant to provide developers of contest loggers and other software a description of how to format score data to send to scoreboards via the score distributor. This information is not meant for, and is not needed by, users of contest loggers.

XML is used to encode score data as described below and the distributor expects to receive the XML via an http POST to

Required elements
dynamicresults(none)Main element
contest(none)Subelement naming the contest represented by the score data. The Cabrillo contest name is usually used as the value.
call(none)Subelement listing the call sign used in the contest.
Subelement describing the entry category of the submitter. Values of the attributes follow the Cabrillo tag specifications:
score(none)Subelement the submitter's current numeric score.
timestamp(none)Subelement specifying the timestamp of the provided score in numeric date format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
Optional elements
ops(none)Subelement listing the call sign of the operator(s). One subelement per operator call
station(none)Subelement listing the call sign of the station.
soft(none)Subelement naming software that produced submitted score data.
version(none)Subelement designating version of the submitting software.
optime(none)Total operating time from beginning of the contest to the time of the score submittal. Format: hh:mi (e.g. 01:19 is 1 hour, 19 minutes)
breakdown(none)Subelement for band breakdown data.
Subelement of breakdown that specifies number of QSOs completed for a band.
band values: total|160|80|40|20|15|10|[Cabrillo band designation for 50 MHz and above]
mode values: ALL|CW|PH|RTTY|DIG
Subelement of breakdown that specifies the number of a type of worked multipliers for a band. More than one mult subelement may be included, as needed, to fully describe the types of multipliers.
band values: total|160|80|40|20|15|10|[Cabrillo band designation for 50 MHz and above]
mode values: ALL|CW|PH|RTTY|DIG
type values: state|country|zone|prefix|gridsquare
Subelement of breakdown that specifies number of points earned for QSOs on a band.
band values: total|160|80|40|20|15|10|[Cabrillo band designation for 50 MHz and above]
mode values: ALL|CW|PH|RTTY|DIG

Score Distributor Response

The score distributor responds to score POSTs with one of the following messages:

Sample XML

Minimal example:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
	<class ops='SINGLE-OP' mode='MIXED' power='LOW' bands='10M' transmitter='ONE'></class>
	<timestamp>2018-12-08 02:08:01</timestamp>

Full example:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
	<soft>N1MM Logger+</soft>
	<class ops='SINGLE-OP' mode='MIXED' power='LOW' bands='10M' transmitter='ONE'></class>
		<qso band='10' mode='CW'>23</qso>
		<qso band='10' mode='PH'>48</qso>
		<point band='10' mode='CW'>92</point>
		<point band='10' mode='PH'>96</point>
		<mult band='10' mode='CW'>14</mult>
		<mult band='10' mode='PH'>19</mult>
	<timestamp>2018-12-08 02:08:01</timestamp>